Why Choose Us?

The No.1 Choice

Most successful ice cream businesses you know started with Dairyglen.


We’ll think of everything!

You’re only as good as the menu you serve, the equipment you have and the support you receive. With our knowledge of the industry – we guarantee no one knows more than we do. We’ll think of everything. We understand the market, stay on top of trends, and keep up to date on recommended practices.

Premium Equipment

At our core is a specialism in premium equipment, product and a focus on training so we can help you consistently outperform your competitors. No matter what anyone tells you, it’s imperative you have a strong network of technicians to support you. In this industry, getting the max from your machine is completely dependant on regular servicing and proper care. That’s why we have a team of engineers on call nationwide so we’re never far if you need help

Ongoing Support

We work closely with you to provide ongoing support including regular maintenance, industry-led training, machine servicing and new product development. We’re here to support you every step of the way – we don’t believe in just selling you a machine and walking away.

A Company You Can Trust

Think about it like this: When you buy a car, you tend to trust brands with decades of experience that can support you all year round with any potential technical issues, spare parts or maintenance queries. The same is true for ice-cream machines.



Dairyglen was founded on the belief that you should do business with others how you would like other business to do with you.

We have hundreds of happy customers. Here’s what they say:


 Join over +1000 customers nationwide who trust Dairyglen to service their machine.